Leadership, Levity And The Power Of Baked Alaska - The Book About Leadership

The Author 

I know Steve Smith through Linkedin connection. I was glad to know that he has written a book on Leadership. That aroused my curiosity even more and I contacted Steve to know more about his book. Steve was generous and kind to immediately send me the digital copy of his book  “Leadership, Levity & The Power of Baked Alaska”.  This sounds like a very interesting title which makes you definitely open the book to read. That is what I did and I loved every bit of it. Then I realised that it would be worthwhile to share about the book on Leadership Sparkle for everyone to benefit from it. Now it is here.  

The Profile 

If you look at Steve Smith’s Linkedin profile he calls himself a Business Doctor. A very interesting designation in itself but it is not without reasons. He has a vast experience of the corporate world of almost 30 years specialising in  planning, strategy and leadership. This obviously suits the tag of being the Business Doctor.  

What Steve Says About His Own Book

This is what Steve Smith himself has to say about his book 👇

Laugh as you learn ! 

Leadership, Levity & The Power of Baked Alaska is my first foray into writing, bringing together my 30 years experience working with global and UK Brands by observations, insights and a touch of humour.

It's always been something I had planned to do and after compiling years of notes, photos and anecdotes I'm now in a position to share them with you.

This is by no means a heavy going business book, it's an easy narrative that combines established and familiar management theory with contemporary leadership thinking and a few ideas of my own” 

Know The Book 

A business book like no other – you can laugh as you learn !

What has Baked Alaska got to do with leading people ? You can find out in this business book that genuinely breaks the mould.

Leadership, Levity and the Power of Baked Alaska provides a unique, refreshingly candid assessment of Steve Smith’s journey from the University of Sheffield to Procter & Gamble, Kellogg’s and as sales director with AG Barr, selling Scotland’s favourite drink IRN-BRU and Rubicon the drink of choice for British Asians.

Steve’s down to earth style combines established and familiar management theory, with contemporary leadership thinking and ideas of his own, to analyse and explain business scenarios that leave you scratching your head in disbelief, or genuinely laughing out loud!

His observations, good and bad, on organisational development and delivering business results, are brutally honest in assessing the decisions and actions of himself and those around him. Though often critical of others, Steve is never afraid to highlight his own shortcomings and admit where he went wrong.

Humility, trust, transparency, and common sense are recurring themes as he describes the transition from traditional knowledge of power business environments, to more modern approaches thriving on teamwork, understanding and consideration for others. Lessons and learning from each subject are identified as simple, easy to digest ‘bumper stickers’ that are readily recalled.

A compelling, informative, and educational read, Baked Alaska is direct, honest and invigorating read !

The book is available on Kindle and in Paperback form.

Available now in printed and kindle formats on Amazon India. 

Click Here

Some interesting Quotes From The Book 

Some interesting Quotes from the book are given below. I hope many would love it and learn a lot from it. Each Quote is wisdom delivered in the simplest form. 

I am sure you all would like this book and get to know some great leadership lessons from it. 

Happy Reading. 

With Smiles