Leadership Fail But They Never Give Up

The Greatest Orator 

Demosthenes (4th century BC) is the greatest orator the western world has ever produced. His father, a rich man, died when he was just 7 years old. His guardian usurped his property. He could not get the high education he deserved. 

At just 18 years he argued his own case against his guardian and won back his property. He wanted to become an orator of excellence. But he suffered from stammering and frail health. 

At his first public speech he was ridiculed and laughed at by all. The same happened in his second public address also. He became dejected. 

Try Again 

Demosthenes wanted to try again. He enforced on himself a two (2) month home isolation (lockdown) away from everyone to practice his oratory skills. To make sure he does not go out of his house, he shaved one part of his head. Now he could not go out of shame. Such was his determination to succeed. This was the turning point in his life. 

No Looking Back 
From there on it was no looking back. Demosthenes impressed everyone with his oratory. He becomes famous and immortal for defending the cause of Greece against Macedonia with his speeches. 

To reach your goal, you need to isolate yourself sometimes away from the crowd

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