The Two Philosophical Concepts Of Leadership

The Much Debated Concepts 

There are two diametrically opposite concepts in philosophy that have dominated the minds for ages. 

The “Priori” concept believes that the mind already has certain knowledge embedded in it much before it experiences the sensation of it.  

The “Posteriori” philosophy believes that the mind is like the blank slate on which knowledge is written only after it interacts with the sensation outside. 

These two concepts can help you evolve your leadership skills. 

Ibn e Sina's influence on the western thought 

Plato was to a certain extent a “Priori“ believer while Aristotle was for “Posteriori”.  

The West was influenced in favour of “Posteriori” by the work of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the father of modern medicine. His Magnum Opus “The canons of medicine” is the most celebrated book on medicine ever written. Ibn Sina’s philosophical outlook in favour of Posteriori settled the debate forever in Europe.  

Where does leadership belong to? 

Now the question arises whether leadership belongs to the priori or Posteriori realms. 

Proponents of Priori further believe in the born leadership quality theory. They advocate concept of Innatism on leadership issues.  

The Posteriori camp favours that leadership can be learnt like any skills. They advocate concept of Empiricism on leadership matters.  

The science of evidence favours the Posteriori arguments. But the Middle Range Theory advocates that truth lies somewhere in between both the opposites. 

If we combine both these propositions we conclude that almost all the leadership skills are experience & sensation based. Leadership can be taught & trained to the largest degree. 

Whether the leadership is successful or not depends upon many other Posteriori factors as well. 

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