The Best Advice You Can Get About Failure

Would You Believe It 

Would you believe If I say that many living beings declared dead have been brought back to life ? probably not. The first reaction of the listeners would be to doubt the integrity of the statements itself. But let me assure that there is no magic involved in it nor any sleight of hand. The process involved is pure science & technology. 

Recently I was watching an interesting video article in which it was claimed that scientists have successfully resurrected some ancient forms of life. An organism called Bdelloid Rotifer which was frozen for almost 24000 years was brought back to life in the laboratory. After being resurrected it reproduced also. To just say  Amazing would be an understatement. 

Not only this many more micro-organisms which were lying dormant for almost 100,000 years too were brought back to life. The amazing process is still continuing and maybe the most ancient forms of life, long considered gone, may all return back to life.  Who knows ? 

The Cryptobiosis State

Cryptobiosis is a condition of severe inactivity among organisms due to unfavourable environmental conditions which makes it almost like being dead. In the cryptobiotic  state all metabolic activities cease and the organisms can live forever. But to be very fair It will be technically living but practically dead.  Many organisms since creation have been in cryptobiotic state waiting for the desired favourable outer conditions to come so that they can  resurrect.   This is even more amazing. 

The Metaphor And The Metaphysical 

Whenever our senses are exposed to any interesting facts, we should always think in Metaphors and more particularly in Metaphysical terms about those interesting facts. The next step should be to give some fruitful meanings to those interesting facts by connecting it through metaphors & Metaphysical linkages to the realms of Philosophy, History & Literature ( PHL).  My immediate thought was something along the lines of metaphysical and in metaphors. If organisms in suspended animation, almost practically dead for millions of years, can be recreated & resurrected back to life then why can't our suspended state, our so-called failures, be brought back to success.  

Failure As The Suspended Animation State

When we try and we repeatedly fail, that is our suspended animation. We have  not become a permanent failure. We are not dead actually. We are something like in the cryptobiotic state waiting for the favourable conditions to emerge. This may take some time but definitely there is every chance of resurrection. To the outside observers of our suspended animation stage,  it may seem that we have failed and also died without success. But absolute failure & death occurs only when we give up our human efforts.  

While thinking metaphorically it occurred to me that it was the  scientific leadership with all its knowledge & skills that resurrected the suspended life back into the actionable life. The similar analogy may also be true for our suspended state of life called failures. The astute leadership with its relevant knowledge & skills can act as the favourable conditions needed to bring back people from the cryptobiosis state of failure to the state of success. 

Leadership Obviously Matters 

The examples of organisms getting back to life through the scientific process clearly denote that knowledge & skills are important but more important is the leadership required to believe in the project of resurrection. Before the project not many scientists were optimistic about the resurrection being successful. But it took a few scientists  to demonstrate leadership and believe in themselves and go for the efforts. Knowledge and skills were probably there before but what was lacking was scientific leadership to accomplish the unimaginable task. 

Similarly to resurrect individuals and organizations from the state of failures it would require leadership which believes in themselves first and also in its intended targets. Knowledge and skills would aid it further if leadership skills are used proactively. Knowledge & Skills are like tools. A good toolman  will create magic out of it while others may just blame the tools.  

The idea is to develop leadership qualities and apply knowledge & Skills to further our intended cause. In this journey my advice would be that one of the leading qualities of visionary leadership is about Metaphors & the Metaphysical. Good leadership learns from the signs and tries to connect dots where no visible dots seem visible  to the ordinary mind. Think on the higher planes of the Metaphors & Metaphysical when faced with life situations and try to  create your own meanings out of it. Your leadership journey would be definitely on the higher dimensions for sure.