The Simple Truth About Thought Leadership

We are becoming judgmental

In the age of social media we decide our likes, retweets, re-shares, comments etc within moments. We are getting conditioned to value judge people, process, things etc instantly. Our Role Models & Villains are decided by mere one post or by one visuals alone. It seems we are in a great hurry to decide on everything. We do not want to wait, think, ponder, contemplate, inquire, investigate etc on matters of importance

Propaganda is deciding for us 

Most of the time it is not our mind (intellect) but the eyes (Propaganda ) that are deciding things for us. Our Impatience in decision making is forcing us towards a culture of Strong Likes & Strong Dislikes. 

The Middle Ground is slowly disappearing

The Eye Culture (Visuals) defeating the Mind Culture (Intellect ) is creating “Analytical Infirmity”( AI) in society. 

Leadership must not value judge 

Leadership does not come from Mars. They come from society. The increasing AI is inimical for future leadership. Value Judgement, Hasty decisions, Extreme Opinions & Split Second Emotions are the least preferred qualities in any leadership. 

The Visionary Leadership 

Visionary leadership uses their intellect more than their eyes. Their decision making is based more on facts, processes, experiences, experiments, trial & error etc than on irrational ways