The Leader In Us

The Leader in us 

Once in a while think aloof

bereft of the yonder days

under the shade of silence

amidst the innumerable ways

Once in a while walk alone

having the footprints and stones

with measured destination and goals

let your vision pave the course

Once in a while detest your avarice

let glitters turn to the dusty low

sprinkle your existence with real glow

for nothing shines like your real soul

Once in a while identify some false pride

of which many are jewels and crowns

If you may cast some of it away

the journey of essence can thrive long

Once in a while stride the change

If possible dare the comfort range

to climb to the slippery uphill nest

where you and the Eagle can rest

Not Once in a while but always say aloud

what is right and what is not

for some day the voice may trigger

the inaudible to hear it clear and loud

Once in a while look behind

to see the remains of the days vast

but as you tread along the path

remember every step is a past

-Shahnawaz Qasim