This is our Annual Conscientious Rage. We do not need even an inequality calculator to understand it.
When we look around the whole world we often see and read things of interests that affects our intellectual observations. More so if it touches our moral and ethical outlooks. Have you ever realized that we get shocked by the worldwide data and statistics on matters of Inequality once in a year. We feel it is too untrue to be true. Then we get intellectually offended and this becomes our annual formal conscientious rage against the "Thought Leadership" that dominate the ideas in the world.
When we talk about the poverty alleviation rate we realize that it is not sufficient to warrant appreciation. But it is also true and nobody can deny the fact that many people have been lifted out of poverty around the world. They will continue to be lifted out and it will continue to happen in future too. But the matter here is about the rate of poverty alleviation vis a vis the expectations and the inequitable distribution of economic resources.
Is the rate of poverty alleviation the same as the rate of increase of the wealth of the few in the whole world? Think about it. If not so then disparity will always remain in the world The trend according to the various UN World social reports, the inequalities are showing increasing trends. The UN dubs this phenomena as the “ one percent takes all” scenario.
My question is very simple. Which moral, ethical and intellectual system of the world can defend just 2100 people holding the wealth of 4.5 billion people which constitutes 60 % of world population? Is it not shocking that the wealth of just 22 people around the world is equal to the total wealth of all the African continent women? There are many statistics and inequalities graph from reports that may shock us all but I think these two are enough to make us think afresh.
Let me tell you that routinely people are coming out of poverty but it is happening as a matter of exception rather than as a rule except in few Asian countries namely China and India. If it would be happening regularly as a routine around the world then the system would not have allowed few to hold such enormous wealth. The wealth would have been automatically redistributed such that nobody would be insanely wealthy as we see now.
Routine higher rate of alleviation of poverty would have created more sub- economic classes than than the prevailing watertight two economic classes in the world society The talk about such higher number of people under poverty or such drastic inequalities do not elicit dismay as it should have been. If it would have been so then the situation would have ameliorated by now. By many I mostly mean the thought leadership who has the powers to put ideas into the actions and solve inequalities.
I request you all to do a self survey on income inequality, income disparity and social inequality. you will see the example of inequality everywhere and in every place in the world. if not then read any item of news from anywhere in the world and see what the talk is all about. Even read the economic and financial newspapers, magazines etc. and see for yourself the talk, the ideal, the role models, the celebrations etc. I don't need to say more.
I don't know if any MBA Curriculum in the world talks about ameliorating the economic disparities and creating economic equity. I am yet to see one. They are probably the one who will run the economic engine simply concentrating on the bottom-line and not on the whole. This is where the mindset comes which creates such alarming wealth inequality. It is time now that we infuse fresh intellectual thinking to change the scenario. probably it is time we teach chapters on the causes of income and wealth inequality and let them come out with solutions.
I agree that entrepreneurship is one of the best ways to create economic activity and wealth in the society. But what if the few who create the wealth and through the self sustaining system direct the wealth to themselves only. We can very well compliment them for the economic activity but we must also challenge them for the inequalities. This is where Thought Leadership should step in to create fresh thinking in the system to create economic equity. This is where governance steps in.
one piece of advice is that you must never be averse to new ideas. We must always promote new Thought Leadership in matters of economics such that equity reigns. We must not be status quoist in matter of economics as it is too important a matter to be intellectually lazy and to leave it in the hands of the billionaires only. It is your future that is at stake. So think.
We need fresh thinking.
what do you say ?