This may sound weird but it is the truth.
If you run through the pages of history you will encounter a disturbing truth.
You will realize that almost all the holocausts and genocides have been committed and perpetrated by the most materially progressive, formally educated and scientifically developed societies of their times.
The so called under-developed and least educated societies never conducted wars, invasions, regime changes, genocides etc. for their imperialistic visions and nor were they earning profits from the heinous business of slavery and opium trade in the name of free economy.
If you cannot believe this fact then you just have to look around the world today and look at it and think a little deep.
You will realize it for sure that even now all the wars, genocides, invasions, new forms of slavery, war on values etc. are all being perpetrated by the so called progressive and educated entities of the present times.
Now the question is why inspite of the best of the education and astounding scientific minds these inhuman things are allowed by the so called progressive and developed societies ?
The answer lies in the some of the following reasons.
- Imperial and colonial outlooks of the political elites, who believe that they have the right to rule the world, because they have been raised on a concocted views of their history which confuses the period of colonialism as the Renaissance period. The old colonialism & Imperialism has been repackaged and thrust on the world as the "New World Order".
- The concept of "Imperialistic Economic System" which regards all the resources of the world to be a free market commodity which exists only for the highest bidders. There is no concept of "equitable and shared resources" for the prosperity for all. This "Imperialistic Economic System" assumes everything in the world exists for profits alone and whosoever can provide value and profits can own it irrespective of the geography and history. That is the reason invasions, wars, genocide, regime changes etc. are part of the "Imperialistic Economic System"
- The "educational and information system" has indoctrinated the minds of the people, after WW2, with the concocted benefits of the "New World Order" and the "Imperialistic Economic System". This has resulted in the most educated and the scientific minds also buying into the idea and perpetuating it even further.
- There has been no serious intellectual challenges to the concept of the "New World Order" and the "Imperialistic Economic System" in the present times. With the advent of social media the things may change as it seems from the indications.
- We have stopped our own deep critical thinking on the issues that matters to humanity and are blindly being slave to the legacy and mainstream media. We are fearing to think differently from the mainstream and thus the alternative ideas remains latent and unexposed.
It is not that things do not change and humanity will not prosper as it should. But for it to become so the intellectual awakenings are a must.
The road to salvation lies through "critical thinking" alone.