Are We Merely Numbers ?

Are we Numbers only ?

Our stories, emotions, hopes, past, present, future etc are all now told through numbers & its acolytes.

We see humanity’s problems of poverty, destitution, misery etc displayed beautifully in colourful pie charts, bar graphs & diagrams.

We interpret numbers to understand humanity. We communicate in numbers & graphs. It is as if the universal language of humanity is in numbers.

Credit : Photo by Black ice from Pexels

The Humans are Different 

Humans are complex. Their hopes & aspirations cannot be captured in mere surveys. Just by interpreting a voluminous data, Decision Makers think they have the solutions in their PPT.

Data science works well in the inanimate world. But in the living world it can just convey ideas & is not a totality in itself.

This Way is Wrong 

Humanity cannot be measured & understood as an exact science beyond a point.

Too much of dabbling in numbers & graphs in matters of core human issues may make the Decision Makers & Thought Leadership insensitive to human feelings.

To heal humanity the #leadership needs more of empathy, kindness, affiliations etc which are not always captured in numbers & graphs.

They must look beyond the exactness of Data Science & its intellect.

Field of management & #economics & #entrepreneurship must look beyond it too.

The idea is to humanize decision making.