Let Not The Hope Go Down….

Let not the hope go down….

Pent up emotions thriving inside
thousand cravings, desires beside
days, months & years conjoin
in distant world of consciousness alive

Let not the hope go down

Not all wishes would come true
Nor all Plans may succeed
Even the days can get somber
And night will keep you awake

Let not the hope go down….

You may desert, many will leave
Your some thoughts may scream
Fresh Longings, new laments to recite
Your heart may seem an alien place to reside

Let not the hope go down….

The world your enemy
Existence the sorrow
Victim mind compels to think
Like there is no tomorrow

Let not the hope go down….

We are the link to civilisation
Carrier of the hope of fraternity
The mortal who is destined to write
The songs of human immortality

Let not the hope go down….

( By Shahnawaz Qasim )

 Photo credit : Anna Shvets from Pexels