The 40: 60 Rule To Success You Need To Know

The Great Imbalance 

Have you ever realised the great imbalance we have created in our Self Communication System. Though inadvertently developed but it has a profound & lasting impact on your leadership attributes. 

Speaking, listening & writing are the core Self Communication System which connects your personality to the outer world. It's like the visa by which you enter the other people’s mind.  

But to avail the visa one has to first get the passport.

 Picture credit : Thought Catalog from Pexels 

The Passport to Success 
Reading is the passport of your personality. Without it your entire Self Communication System  is an exercise in self deception.  

We must have read upteem articles about personalities & their reading lists. Their list is not so important. But the fact that they read is some pointer towards their success.  

Now the basic question is what to read. The answer is a simple formula which I have followed for myself over the years. It has worked for me & probably it may work for others as well.  

The 40: 60 Rule 
The 40: 60 percentage formula I generally follow in a year. 40 % of books I read are from my professional domain sector. 60 % are from the non-domain areas. 

In the non-domain areas I recommend reading mostly from Philosophy, History & Literature (PHL) fields. 

So if I read 30 books in a year then 12 books are from my domain field. The other 18 books are outside my domain area specially related to phiosophy, history and literature. 

Inter-disciplinary & cross-sectoral knowledge especially from PHL are far more important than what we realise.  

Your leadership attributes are shaped & developed by ideas beyond the obvious.  

So start reading.

Isn't it obvious ?